Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Belmont Primary School, a school that provides quality education that meets the needs of all children, and where every student has the opportunity to fulfil their potential both inside and outside the classroom.

At Belmont Primary, we want your child to be the best they can be in all aspects of their schooling. We are fortunate to have secured excellent and dedicated teachers who are committed to ensuring we continually teach high quality programmes to provide opportunities for high levels of academic achievement and excellence for our students.

We encourage active participation in all curricula activities, teach traditional values within a supportive community, celebrate success and have developed a culture where it is great to succeed. I invite you to visit us to view our wonderful school

Bruce Cunningham


Values - learning
Values - respect
Values - responsibility
Values - cooperation
Values - effort
Values - manaakitanga



Friday, February 14

Assembly R18
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Monday, February 17

Positive Puberty Plus Whānau Zoom 6pm
All Day

Wednesday, February 19

Year 6 Positive Puberty Plus with Nest Consulting
All Day

Thursday, February 20

School Picnic 5-7pm
12:00 am


3/A Harrison Avenue, Belmont,
Auckland 0622

Community Connect

Our Sponsor


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