The Belmont Primary School Parent Teachers Association (“PTA”) is a dedicated group of parents and teachers who work together to fundraise for the school and to develop the school’s community.

Come and join us!

The PTA meets every month, at 7:30pm in the Staff Room. Everyone is welcome.

Friends of the PTA 

If you are keen to be involved or have skills that you could offer our school, but can’t make our meetings because of work or family commitments, please let us know. We can add you to our ‘Friends of the PTA’ database and contact you from time to time where we need extra help.


A number of local and national businesses sponsor us in many different ways, from providing goods or financial contributions.
Perhaps you have a business that could sponsor our events, or have goods or services that you could provide for fundraising? If you do, we would love to hear from you.


Please contact Briar Williams
Follow our Fair on Facebook at



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